On Tuesday, HBO premiered its documentary “Money Electric,” attempting to portray software developer and Bitcoin contributor Peter Todd as the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto. Following...
In its Oct. 2 market analysis, QCP Capital highlights the effect of escalating Middle Eastern conflicts on traditional financial (tradefi) assets and the cryptocurrency...
According to the latest numbers, U.S. spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) raked in $135.95 million in inflows on Tuesday. Meanwhile, spot ether ETFs were...
Cryptocurrency and iGaming are creating some exciting opportunities for affiliates, so whether you are already there or just contemplating getting into these skyrocketing sectors,...
The spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) posted gains on Tuesday, marking their second consecutive day of inflows. Spot ether ETFs also performed well, amassing...
Logos is a fully decentralized, privacy-preserving, and politically neutral technology stack that provides the necessary support for self-sovereign virtual territories. The stack includes three...
The Nigerian government has been urged to abandon a floating foreign exchange system and reintroduce subsidies in the power and energy, agriculture, and transportation...
The Bitcoin network has recently experienced its most significant difficulty adjustment since October 2022, with a 10.5% increase driving the metric to a record...
Unbound Fund has announced a new opportunity for individuals to acquire Portuguese/EU citizenship by indirectly holding bitcoin worth about $542,000 (€500,000). The fund is...